Sahih International
The lord is the one who controls the affairs of the people and rectifies their matters. Allah states, “The Lord of mankind,” despite being the lord, not only of mankind but of all things. The specific mention “of mankind” indicates their virtue over the rest of the creation.
Despite being lord of all things, Allah specified, “Lord of the people,” because refuge is sought directly with the true lord from the evil whisperer, and the people are specified, rather than mentioning all of creation because they are the ones seeking the refuge.
These are three of the Lord’s attributes. They are lordship, sovereignty, and divinity. Thus, He is the Lord of everything, the King of everything, and the God of everything. He creates and owns all things, and his creation is entirely subservient to Him.
This surah refers to seeking refuge with the Lord of humankind from Shaytan, who is the source and cause of all evil. In his efforts to tempt people and do evil, he whispers into their hearts, making evil fair-seeming to them and portraying it in a beautiful image, motivating them to do it. He makes goodness ill-seeming to them, tries to put them off it, and presents it in a false image. These are his plots, whispering then withdrawing; he retreats when a person remembers his Lord and seeks His help to ward him off. So the individual should seek help, refuge, and protection in the Lordship of Allah.